Participants—The Arts Writing Incubator

Aay Preston-

About the Participant

Aay Preston-Myint is an artist and art worker living on Ohlone land in the San Francisco Bay Area. Their practice employs both visual and collaborative strategies to investigate memory and kinship, often within the specific context of queer community and history. In addition to their studio work, Aay is a founder of No Coast, an artist partnership that prints and distributes affordable contemporary artwork, is a co-director of the Chicago Art Book Fair, and has served as a DJ and organizer for Chances Dances, a party supporting and showcasing the work of queer artists in Chicago.

They are currently the Program Manager at Headlands Center for the Arts in Sausalito, California, a member of the studio collective Real Time and Space in Oakland, and serve on the board of Small Press Traffic, a literary organization in San Francisco. The name "Aay" is pronounced like the letter "A."

Past Particpants