Ari Glass
Spring 2023

Current Resident - Public Programming

Ari Glass is the first artist in The Black Embodiments Studio’s new project, Current Resident, an innovative public art project that delivers black art right to people’s doorsteps. On June 11, 2023, Glass’ work was mailed to 158,000 people across multiple zip codes on the South End of Seattle. Glass’ work forms the “wrap” that contains all of the coupons, ads, and inserts of the weekly bundle of coupons and ads that Seattleites receive.

About this piece, Glass writes, "Each of us has three eternal spiritual power that resides within, despite the challenges of being seen and heard in a busy world inundated with advertisements, bills, and personal correspondence. The project recognizes the potential difficulty of having the work noticed or appreciated, acknowledging the possibility that it may be overlooked or discarded.

The artwork presents an intriguing juxtaposition—a testament to the resilience and high aspirations of the human spirit amidst the noise and distractions of everyday life. It invites viewers to reflect on the idea that even in the face of indifference or fleeting attention, the transformative power of the message persists and prompts the question "Interested in Saving the World?"

Like this printed medium, many black artists' work can go without recognition, this piece encourages viewers to pause, reflect, and consider their own role in making a difference, ultimately inspiring them to tap into their spiritual power and become catalysts for a new world."

Post your copy on Instagram by tagging @blackembodiments and #CurrentResident

Current Resident

About Ari Glass
Behold! Ari Glass is a renowned multidisciplinary artist. Coming from South Seattle, one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the US, Ari is inspired by the amalgamation of different cultures from around the world.  Ari uses his knowledge of art history in unison with his personal style to create unique compositions that serve as a bridge between the past and the present. Through vivid color, gilding, and philosophy Ari’s goal as an artist is to shine the solar power to the people — uplifting and uniting them with radiant self-realization.

web: IG: @thesoufender


About Current Resident
Current Resident commissions black artists to create a unique work of art that will be mailed to all residents of distinct Seattle zip codes. This public art project is inspired by the data collection and distribution processes of direct mail service providers that businesses (and politicians) use to solicit new customers—the "Current Resident" mailers are typically addressed to.

The Black Embodiments Studio purchases ad space in the same glossy, colorful direct mail packets that residents already receive frequently – sometimes even daily — with the goal of generating unexpected moments of encounter with black artists and their works. In the process we aim to push the practice of “public art” and the idea that “art should be accessible” to their limits. What if we simply sent free black art to as many people as possible?

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